Saturday, January 01, 2011

What next ?

In Dubai, children with distended bellies, many of them orphans,  rummage through huge landfills looking for food or whatever they can find.

In the wealthy town that I live in, unfortunate people rummage through the dumpsters of apartment complex for cans and bottles to recycle for money.

America, where are we headed?

What if we Americans were taxed .25 (cents) on every hundred dollars they spend on non essential items such as X-boxes, video games, yachts, etc. and what if the revenue from that tax went to help homeless folks and folks in need of  medical care or food for their families? And what if these funds were administrated by folks whose only interest were in the fair distribution of the funds?

Mostly I hear that the solution to poverty and disaster is for the government or the Red Cross or the UN to do something ? Mostly I hear that the blame lies with the government or the Red Cross or the UN.  Few people I know (including myself) feel financially strong enough to reach into their own pockets on a regular basis to help others.

I believe that Americans must find a way to help Americans in need.

Our Federal and State coffers are in deficit. We are running out of many natural resources. Large banking institutions  trusted with our giant supply of money let the entire country down. The result is the largest ongoing transfer of wealth from lower and middle class to the wealthy, not to mention the personal and financial losses suffered in the 'great recession'.  Today, large agricultural companies are sparring for control of the world's seed production, supply, and distribution.

Is a food transfer next?

Something has to give.

Is today's reality to bring a child into the world and assume they will be able to find a way to feed themselves?

We need a plan, Stan.


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